12 Shows Your Kids Should See This Spring

Proud to be noted as a Top 12 Show for Kids to see!

An afternoon at the theater is the perfect opportunity to transport yourself to another world. See your favorite literary and movie characters brought to life on stage. There are even shows that last only 60 minutes for the youngest audiences and ones where the performers are kids themselves. Get your tickets today!


The Ugly Duckling
The Lightwire Theater returns to the Oshman Family JCC with its famous rendition of The Ugly Duckling. Of the five eggs in Mother Duck’s nest, one is the largest and last to hatch. Bigger and paler than the others, this last hatchling is treated as an outsider by Mother Duck and her ducklings.

Oshman Family JCC
Schultz Cultural Arts Hall
3921 Fabian Way
Palo Alto, CA
Showing: Feb. 23 at 3 and 5 p.m.